Spectrum International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Online ISSN:2583-9306

About Aim & Scope Editorial Board Reviewer Board Author Center Review Process Indexing Archives Contact

"Call for papers: Spectrum International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research invites original and unpublished works to publish and to impact the respective research fields."

Review Process

Stage 1: Quality check

This phase involves plagiarism, authorship, and conflict of interest checks. We keep an eye on this procedure to make sure your article has all our editors and peer reviewers need to give your work a fair and thorough evaluation. We recommend the authors to submit their original research article with less than 10% plagiarism.

Stage 2: Editor Assignment

Your paper is given to an Editorial Board member who is a working researcher in your field after it passes the initial quality check. The editor will select suitable peer reviewers to assess your work if they are satisfied with it, taking into account a variety of characteristics such as knowledge, experience, and any conflicts of interest.

Stage 3: Peer review process

Your techniques, analysis, and interpretation will all be evaluated by two or more independent reviewers for their technical soundness and scientific validity; they must also be appropriate, appropriately done, ethically sound, and completely supported by the available data.

Stage 4: Decision stage

After that, the editor will determine whether to accept your work in its current form, ask for small or significant adjustments, or reject it owing to irresolvable issues.

Stage 5: Reviewing the revised submission

Once after incorporating all the comments given by list of reviewers, the revised article is again given to the respective reviewers for the correctness. If all the reviewers are satisfied with the response then editor will give the final decision on your article.

Stage 6: Final decision

Editor will send a final decision upon receiving the reviews feedback about your article.

Stage 7: Article typesetting

Your manuscript is given to production for typesetting once your article has been accepted for publication following the Editorial process after submission. After typesetting is finished, we'll walk you—the corresponding author—through easy, safe procedures to:

Stage 8: Publication

Once the typesetting process is over the article submitted will be available in online, the reference link will be sent to all authors.