About the Journal
The Spectrum International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (Online ISSN:2583-9306), Spectrum Multidisciplinary is for short is an open access, peer-reviewed, referred journal in multidisciplinary research fields.
Vision Statement:
To bring up the quality and useful research publication for the society.
Mission Statement:
The Spectrum Multidisciplinary's purpose is to offer the quality publication to the budding researchers and active minds.
The Spectrum Multidisciplinary's value is to maintain the ethics in publication and contribute to the advancement of respective research fields. This makes us unique from other bogus indexed and impact factor journals.
The Spectrum Multidisciplinary's goal is to identify and encourage the aspiring minds in the respective research fields. We explore their active contribution to the world of useful research and enhancment of society needs.
The main goal is to spread knowledge by opening
up a research conversation to the world. It anticipates serving as the global voice of researchers, Engineers
and Scientists. Support of the academic research community is one of its defining criteria. The Spectrum Multidisciplinary
wants to create a research environment where everyone has a voice. As implied, the originator held the opinion
that every researcher had something worthwhile to contribute to the Journal that would benefit others. As a
result, we have started a journal in multidisciplinary area for the benefits of spectrum of researchers.
In order to provide analysts, researchers, and teachers with distributed administrations that support their
research needs, we achieve this by working closely with them. A fundamental component of our understanding
objective is to publish journals of the most outstanding calibre with the greatest impact, showcasing creative
research that accelerates future developments. Our primary goal is to ensure that our journals are widely
dispersed so that researchers can access our content whenever and wherever they need it. In order to ensure that
professionals have access to the latest information in the most practical format, Spectrum Multidisciplinary has
continuously expanded alongside technological advancements. To increase the use and finding of our content, we
are constantly improving our publication. Our aim is to improve academic research through quality initiatives.
The journal is committed to advancing knowledge with the ultimate goal of strengthening research by first
publishing your ideas to protect your research from others.